Victor Fly Magnet Bait Refill

Victor Fly Magnet Bait Refill


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Shipping weight = 0.15 lb.

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Product Summary:

Victor Fly Magnet Bait Refill
The Victor® Fly Magnet™ attracts and traps flies.  The attractant lures them in, they can't escape and they drown.
Victor® fly magnet™ systems are simple to use, safe and effective -- the patented non-poisonous bait is included with each trap, so simply empty it into the trap and add water.  The result creates a scent that flies cannot resist.  The white color and diamond-shaped lid is also designed to attract more flies.  Once trapped, the flies drown in the water-based mixture.  For use with the M382 trap.  VICTOR FLY TRAP MAGNET 1 GAL  Item #: BUA12

This bait is the most effective bait on the market - it out-performs competitive products 20 to 1!  The bait is also sold separately.  For outdoor use.  Safe around children, pets and the environment.
When the trap is full, it should be emptied completely. How quickly it fills up will depend upon the number of flies in the area. Reusing bait is not recommended by the manufacturer. 
To be used with the M382 Victor® Fly Magnet® trap.
Victor® Fly Magnet® attractant is included in all traps.
Empty bait into trap then add water.
Attractant lures them in, they can't escape and they drown
3pk - 12gm/pk.
This bait is non-toxic, and made from dehydrated food-grade products
Safe around children, pets and the environment.
For additional product information, please see clickable links listed under Downloadable Resources.  
Downloadable Resources
Item Number Model Number UPC
BUA13 683853 072868133831
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